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About me

I strongly believe the climate crisis is the most pressing problem of our time. Therefore, I want to actively work towards a more sustainable society.

I love coding and have a degree in Computer Science. I am based in Belgium. When I’m not coding you can find me climbing, mountaineering or doing other sports.

Feel free to contact me at evertheylen@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Some projects

  • probox: A tool to create secure, isolated development environments without sacrificing performance or ease of use.
  • logicpy: An implementation of the concepts underlying Prolog and logic programming, in pure Python.
  • Notation: A small webapp to make drawings that are easy to embed in Notion. (no longer online)
  • Helix: Fuzzy matching of regular expressions in DNA, university project.
  • I think developers still spend a lot of time on moving data around, so I wrote two ORMs: Univocal in Javascript and Sparrow in Python.
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